i think my boyfriend is cheating over the road

by jennifer

when we first met and he came home on the weekends he was so excited to see me. now we have been dating for 9mths and he acts like coming home isnt that big of a deal anymore. we used to have the greatest sex and now it is just ok. i just think if hehas been away all week he would want to see me. plus there is sometimes when he is on the road that he acts shady to me and always has to get off the phone for some stupid reason and here latly he has been talking bout louge lizards. im sure u know what i mean. he says one knocked on his door the other day and he told he to go awaybut i not to sure if he did. idont know i might just be me. im might just be driving my self crazy. but what if i aint. something just isnt right. i dont know. he is the first guy i ever dated that hwas a trucker and he asked me on our second date if i could date a trucker because it is a very hard thing to do. with the lonelyness and the doubts. i love him with all my heart but there is always gonna be doubts. especially when theyu start acting different. please help and give me some advice. thank you....

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Jan 29, 2013
Same thing NEW
by: Neeceenflorida

To the girl above...your man sounds exactly like mine
Not sure if he actually had a lot lizard...but he was on dating sites hooking up with chicks in different cities....the same mood at home. Sex was food in the beginning...now non existent. We r splitting up. I have found out too much
Do your homework...go over the phone bills...make fake profiles and look for him on dating sites
You will be surprised what u find.

Mar 12, 2010
by: NickV

You cant have a relationship with a truck driver without a SERIOUS amount of trust goin on. The job out there is lonely, and being alone for long periods of time do wear on ones mind. If you dont trust him its never going to work. It causes fights, stress, and heartache and thats just added drama that you dont need while out on the road. If you two have good communication built then talk to him. Tell him how you feel when he blows you off. Ask him if he is cheating. Youve been with him for almost a year, you should be able to know if hes lying or not. Other than that, you have two choices. Stay and deal with it, or leave and not. Until he gives you a reason to leave then its totally up to you what to do. Hope it works out for you.

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