I want equal pay and equal treatment from the industry

by Lady Trucker Judy
(Oconto, WI)

Equal treatment and pay as a man

Equal treatment and pay as a man

I am going into trucking for two reasons only.. I need to make good money to pay off things before I retire. I also want to do a man's job and expect to be treated equally.

Truck driving isn't for ladies who want to show up a man. Then, if that is your intent.. do something else. There is nothing worse than a woman with an ego.

I am a simple person who just wants to do a good job for my company and be respected by men and women alike.

I love the open road and can take care of myself.. I'm a very nice lady but if someone corners me I can thoughtfully make a good comeback without being sarcastic. I usually put someone in their place in a hurry.

I choose this job because at my age, I am useless to any factory situation because age discrimination is a BIG thing and no one cares to admit it.

I guess once we hit the ripe old age of 55, most companies other than Trucking companies think we are worn out and broken down which isn't the case in my situation. I am better than ever and the trucking company I am going to work for is going to have a very dedicated driver with absolutely no accidents and tickets ever in my lifetime...

Just my thought for the day.. Hope no one takes this wrong because trucking was at one time only a man's job....

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Feb 17, 2017
Join an all ladies team
by: Liz

Woman owned trucking company looking for drivers!! Come join our team. No egos here, family oriented, great pay regardless of sex.....email contact@jcaanlogistics.com or call 980-616-9880 for immediate consideration

Jan 26, 2017
Agreed. Join my team
by: Anonymous

Join PBX Logistics based out of Burnaby, BC, Canada.

They treat their ladies right. $$

Mar 27, 2016
They don't care
by: Anonymous

If your man woman transgender or monkey. Do the job and do it well.
Regardless you will be treated the same.

PS women make better truckers.

But don't come bringing your sexism here, so tired of it.

Mar 27, 2016
Thank You
by: Lady Trucker Judy

Thank You so much for such nice comments! I appreciate everything you have said. What a great world this is when a company is not afraid to hire us "older" drivers...

Sometimes the way the stock market has been, we lose a lot of our money in which was allocated for retirement such as I have. So, this is my best option and I am going to absolutely love this way of life!

I understand not everyone is happy about a woman truck driver out there and I don't care... that is their problem, not mine.. I am just going to enjoy this and do the best I can and treat everyone with respect and if they don't treat me that way back, I will just go on my way and forget about it..

We have to do those things, unfortunately. We are representatives of our own company and have to be responsible and keep our head on straight and suck it up.. lol
But, Thank you so much for being sooooo kind!!!

Mar 27, 2016
Welcome to the trucking industry
by: Hervy

Sounds like you are going to make a great asset to the trucking industry Lady Trucker Judy.

Thanks for sharing with us. I am pretty sure you are going to make a trucking company happy an proud. Attitude means everything no only for a career in trucking but to move forward in life.

It won't make things perfect but it keeps things moving in the right direction from a big picture perspective.

I think a lot of the better companies are coming around to recognizing the benefits of a mature workforce. I know the company that I refer people to right here in Greensboro hires people over 50 kind of regularly.

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