I want to become a lady trucker!

by Lynne
(Ontario, Canada)

I'm a woman in my early 20's, and after spending several years working in an office environment, I know it is NOT for me.

I love driving, I enjoy being alone and working independently and I am planning on getting my AZ. I am however a little afraid of whether or not I'll be able to hack it out on the road.

I've read that some truckers are gone for 3-6 weeks at a time? Is this common? I'd be comfortable with 2-3 weeks at a time but 6 seems pretty intense. Is that something you as a trucker have say in?

Anything you could you tell a woman entering the trucking workforce would be much appreciated :)

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Jan 25, 2013
millsistransfer bob
by: Anonymous

Here is a complaint on the school

Jan 25, 2013
To Bob Davidson
by: Anonymous

Hello. I read this post, because I too am in my mid 20's, a lady, and am considering truck driving. I am going to check out the mill is transfer website.

I want to ask you a few questions, first. I have checked out 2 schools. I am pretty set on the 2nd one, since my brother went there and found a job fairly quickly. I have been warned, a lot, by trucking school that places that hire and train you, well screw you over.

I have heard so many stories about people going through a school, with CR England, Swift, etc, just to name a few and they find reasons to not let you pass, so you owe them more money.

They make you sign contracts quickly, without reading them. If you break your contract and don't work for them for the year, then they can say "there is no record of you even going there."

They make the drivers drive longer than allowed and if they don't botch their log books, then the drivers get in trouble. All kinds of horror stories.

I have read this on countless websites, because I can't really afford the $3,000 for my school, but it may be worth saving for, because its legit and they help with job placement.

Is your company, good and legit? Or are there similar complaints out there?

I am not trying to offend, I just want knowledge.

Apr 08, 2012
truck driven school & trainers
by: bob Davidson

Go to mill is transfer. Com do appt for school there $2500.00 .....they train & pay u while u learn,,I'm a trainer here at mill is. Been in this work 33 years they r one of the best company's out here,,

Its $500 down then $20.00 a week for one year out of your check ..u will not miss it most of my old students are getting 3000-3400 miles in weekly
call them bye & good luck

Apr 06, 2012
Bancroft & sons Wants Males only, predjudise
by: Anonymous

I saw an add on craigs list that says signed up for the draft {MALES) only... to hire for bancroft&sons mail company in florida. no smoking no tickets, no accidents ,males only,Is this the world we live in now that they dont even want women to apply for trucking jobs and are blattin about it.

They are Bancroft& sons again ,somebody please get in touch with the ACLU on these people. It is in the transport part of craigs list for the city of tampa,fl.

Oh by the way i am an American male that is fighting for the rights of every trucker in this titanic states of america. Please report them & apply for this job & let them know they also will get boycotted....

Apr 06, 2012
The book on trucking
by: Joe Creek

Go to SemiRetireTrucking.com for advise on becoming a trucker. There's even a chapter for the ladies in my book "What you need to know before you go". Good luck...

Apr 06, 2012
lady Trucker
by: Anonymous

Hello, I don't know about getting your CDL in Canada but my 29 year old daughter got her CDL and is an OTR driver.

She, too, worked in an office, has a college degree and worked in a hospital for 1 year but hated it. She went back to school to get her CDL and is gone anywhere from 2-3 weeks at a time.

She loves the open road and says she is never lonely. The isn't married and has no kids so it's easy for her to be gone. She has met so many other nice truckers and see's almost all of the United States.

If you are really passionate about driving then I would go ahead and take the plunge. Research the companies very carefully to find one that will reimburse you for your schooling.

My daughter started with Stevens out of Dallas, TX and they put her with 3 separate trainers to get her experience on the road. She has only driven for about 1 year and has no plans to quit anytime soon.

Good luck in your driving career.

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