Comments for i want to find out if i can go to cdl school and get a truck driving job with a felony sealed under my Youthful Offender

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Jun 18, 2011
Education Key
by: american trucker

I must agree with my good friend Hervy.You must have at least GED to even get into trucking school.At our school where i teach Truck Driving you need it and have to take a aptitude test.

Jun 18, 2011
getting a trucking job at a decent company
by: Hervy

Most decent trucking companies are going to want at least a GED man. You got to look at it this way. Without a High School Diploma or GED the person's options are limited right?

Everyone knows this. If a company is willing to hire you, knowing this, it is very possible that you will get taken advantage of.

Of course it is small possibility that someone will hire you to give you a chance at making living and so would treat you like anyone else. However, which situation will be the most likely to find?

So, I would say make it a point to go ahead and get your GED man.

It's just going to serve you well in more ways than even getting the trucking job. And also do me a favor and encourage any youth you encounter in conversation to stay in school and get their diploma too man.

Not having it just shuts too many doors.

You will be alright with a sealed felony from youth. (especially if you have done something positive and productive since then like gotten your GED)

If you have free time to spare, take additional courses after GED that prepares you for life, (time management, conflict resolution, communication skills, community college counselor for suggestions) which will give employers something good to look at.

Let us know what happens.

Take care,

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