I want to start driving later in life.

by G. R.
(Alameda, CA)

Hello. I just completed school and was issued a Class A CDL with all endorsements (except for Passenger).

I predict the main obstacles for me will be age and lack of experience, though I have been a licensed Class C driver for 40 years.

I have been affiliated with the Teamsters for well over 20 years (not driving) and went to school to get my CDL when my former job was lost due to outsourcing.

I am interested in your advice concerning what type of company would be most interested in hiring me. Thank you in advance for your response.

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Sep 01, 2010
What company will hire an older driver
by: Hervy

Alameda its hard to say. I imagine the largest companies might give you the hardest time. (Still that is an assumption based on MY logic in thinking and nothing from them or anyone dealing with them on this issue)

I think you have a better chance trying to find a medium or small trucking company or distributor especially one near your hometown to give you a chance.

The only way to really find out though is to call a lot of them and just see what kind of feedback you get.

Good luck man. If you have a great work history and you are in pretty good shape. I think a smart company will give you a chance, let's face it, it's hard for them to find old school work ethic these days and if they are smart they will take advantage of your age for it's maturity and wisdom.

Good luck,

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