i wanted to be a trucker

by emitt
(monrovia ,ca,usa)

what up with you, this was the best info i got from all over the internet i had a back surgery five years ago and i thought i would be all right but anyway dont now if i could even get hired with previous back problem if they would i still get my cdl,we will see but anyway no one did like you big homie i was in sales for a long time been to all kinds of seminars you got good stuff a you be cool out there.

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Sep 30, 2009
Do me a favor
by: Hervy


What's good with ya man, just checking up with ya?

YOu driving yet?

Do me a favor man, Glad to see you paying attention to what's going on man.

If you happen to have a chance to talk to one of those young cats you talking about man, try slip in a word of wisdom or two to them man. We never know when something is going to sink in enough where they will click and start to look at life differently just enough to start making some different decisions.

I am actually working on a cd man that I am going to just give away man. Well what I want to do is Give it to cats like you and you can sell it to those who can afford it and also give it away in the hood to the kids who need direction but might not have money to buy it. I don't care if you make a trillion copies. Going to call it hood help.

Let me know if you want a copy.
If anyone else hear wants a copy let me know.

Aug 13, 2008
thanks for feedback
by: emitt

Hay what's up,how are things on the road for.As for me i still want to truck,and man you answered my question,cause i heard your dac report show's everything from past medical.So its good to know as long as i pass physical than iam in thanks big homie.And i have been watching your video's and thats real shit what you speak to the youngsters that dont understand music and real life. i live in LA and the wars just got worse with race wars and when you ask the young Mexican and black kids why they fighting they say i don't know, so keep your knowledge coming before they all get life.

Aug 12, 2008
Reply to I wanted to be a trucker
by: The Crazy Trucker

What's Up Emitt,

Hate to hear about the back surgery. I think you will still be able to get your CDL's as long as you can pass the rest of the physical.

If your Dr. says it's ok to drive a truck. If its questionable, I don't know if I would take the chance. Back injury is serious, and trucking will take a toll on some people's back.

One thing you need to do though man is build your back and stomach muscles if you haven't already. That will help stabilize your back and be better resistant to injury.(whether you drive or not)

Either way it goes though, come back and update us on what you decided to do man.

Good luck

The Crazy Trucker

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