I was arrested in Ohio for an expired med card. Company fired me. Is it their responsibility to schedule exams?

by Dee
(Memphis, Tn, USA)

I was arrested for the first time ever in Ohio. I was unaware that my medical card had expired just a week earlier which suspended my CDL's. My company sent a driver to bail me out of jail and I drove the company car back. They fired me and told me that they had to for insurance reasons.

I had my physical and got my license back the next day but couldn't get my job back. If the company does not keep up with the medical cards of their drivers is the company liable?

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Apr 20, 2017
Suspended cdl.
by: Anonymous

Carolina Logistics will probably hire you.
Carolina Cargo probably hire you. They run teams to California and back.

Apr 20, 2017
Trucking Companies that might hire you
by: Anonymous

It's your responsibility to keep your medical card current.

Best to get back to work somewhere as soon as possible. Some companies won't hire you due to the license suspension but others will.

USA Truck
Big-M Transportation
Southern Refrigerated Transport

Apr 19, 2017
Responsibility of the driver
by: Hervy

The company usually does keep up with it however it is on the driver to keep up with it for his/her own good.

Any business of yours you have to keep up with even if someone else is tied to it some how.

I will tell u this though it was good of them to send someone to get you out. Some companies wouldn't do that especially if they were going to fire you.

Someone else will likely hire u though if your record is clean other than that.

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