i was hit while parked at a truck stop the other trucker broke off my mirror I got all his information and i gave him mines as well. I was wondering if it also affects my cdl license?

while parked i got hit by another trucker at the truck stop. we exchanged information and everything. i was just wondering if my cdl will be affected in anyway. it wasn't my fault. made sure i took pictures as well

Comments for i was hit while parked at a truck stop the other trucker broke off my mirror I got all his information and i gave him mines as well. I was wondering if it also affects my cdl license?

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Feb 01, 2012
Wouldnt think so NEW
by: NickV

Most of the time if some sort of officer isnt involved it will not affect your cdl. It could affect your d.a.c. if your company wants to involve themselves which I am sure they will since the mirror was actually broke off. However, if you were parked, legally, and it was not your fault then you should have no problem. It will be taken care of and you roll on. The other guy that hit you will probably have that put on his d.a.c. but no offense against his license. Although some may say its the same thing when it comes to filling out applications.

Jan 23, 2012
getting hit in a truck stop
by: Hervy

If you were in a parking spot, you shouldn't have any problem.


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