idling trucks don't overheat?

by A guy named Joe
(Duluth, GA)

From what I have read, you leave your trucks idling all night to allow the heater or a/c to run. Don't the trucks overheat or am I misunderstanding that you let them run all night at a truck stop?

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Mar 20, 2009
Joe from Ga.
by: Jimmy

Hey Joe, you're right. Drivers that normally idle overnight are running the a/c or heat. But some idle because they say they need to hear noise. Me personally, I like sleeping without idling.

In recent years, companies have been installing APU's (auxilary power units) that allow heat/ac without idling. But they do cost, roughly $7000. But you get it back over a period of time.

Also, in recent years, cities/states have been enacting anti-idling laws and when fuel got real high last year ('08), companies were screaming at drivers to minimize idling. But think about it, 5 above in Minnesota in January while you're parked overnight, you need to idle or freeze your fanny off. At 1000 rpm, you will not overheat. Jimmy

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