if a trucker is in a residential area how long would you let your truck idle for I thought it is 5 minutes or be fined

by brian
(kirkwood pa)

Next store guy has a big rig runs all hours. Lets truck idle for min of 20 minutes. I know its not legal action but im getting tired of it.

What should I do?

Comments for if a trucker is in a residential area how long would you let your truck idle for I thought it is 5 minutes or be fined

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Sep 22, 2013
Talk to him about it
by: Hervy

I agree with the commentor. Easiest and quickest thing to do is to speak to the driver. More than likely, he will accommodate your wishes.

Unless of course you go to him with an attitude, then you guys will likely just end up staring each other down.

As far as being fined, it depends on if there is a city ordinance or state law that prohibits idling for a specific amount of time. I do remember being in PA and being told that I could idle where I was. I think that was around Allentown or something, don't remember exactly.

Sep 21, 2013
Truck idling
by: Anonymous

Have you talked to your neighbor about it? I don't know your neighbor & how violent he may become but if he is a pretty good guy maybe if you approached him or get a bunch of neighbors together & tell him how he is being a bother, he may be considerate & make things better but maybe you might try to contact your local police dept & tell them this guy is being a pest.

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