If I add a retrofit technology to a 1985-2006 long haul diesel truck that saved me 20% on fule costs, as a owner/operator, would that benefit me or the carrier?

by Walter
(Los Angeles)

I came across a diesel engine retrofit technology that costs me $500 a month but will reduce my diesel fuel usage and expense by 20%-30%. I am an owner operator and will be driving long haul 2-3,000 a week.

It seems to me it more than pays for itself and if so, maybe the broker should be willing to go in on the $400 a month costs, to have it installed? I just wanted others opinions or perspectives on this???

Comments for If I add a retrofit technology to a 1985-2006 long haul diesel truck that saved me 20% on fule costs, as a owner/operator, would that benefit me or the carrier?

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Jan 16, 2023
Fuel Saving Gadget
by: The Crazy Trucker

Why would you expect the broker to pitch in? If you're an owner operator it's your truck and your option to add this equipment.

Also YOU benefit from it. It won't matter to anyone else either way.

They are going to get the same money unless they pay for your fuel.

So you would pay for the technology if you want it installed.

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