If I complain about a truck driver will they get fired?

I had a terrible experience with a truck driver today on a very icey road in a very tiny car. I got his license & dot # and I plan on complaining.

But.... I don't want the driver to loose his job. I don't know why he was being a road bully, who knows maybe something terrible is going on in his life.

I've never complained before, I understand there are issues when hills and major traffic but this situation had none of those issues, it was pure bully driving i was literally just trying to get out of his way when he cut me off, it was an extremely scary situation.

I really do want to complain but I wanted to check with a expert first. Any advise?

Thank you in advance for your time, and my apologies if this question is in the wrong place.

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Jun 26, 2014
truckers deal with bad drivers all day! NEW
by: Anonymous

The problem is truck drivers are very careful drivers almost all of the time! The problem is alot of people, like to tailgate to close where they can not see who is behind them, alot of people like to tag along the side of the truck. Once again, where we can not see YOU. Before you ever call in on someone, you should make sure you was not in the wrong, make sure he was not dodging something terrible in front of him. We hit bumps all day, shakes us up, and sometimes we typically like to swerve around them enough to where it will not cause another harm. Sometimes drivers like to tailgate us, ride in our blindspot and then blame US for the wrong. Never ride beside a truck, never ride on the ass of a trucker. Always stay 20 ft. away from a truck, PERIOD. if you have done these things, you should not be at fault. Cheers

Jun 14, 2014
bad drivers NEW
by: Anonymous

Thats true, there could've been something that he was avoiding in front of him, or you could've been in his blind spot. My father being a truck driver I can't even explain how many times he called scarred because some idiot in a tiny car decided to cut in front of him then slow down. People dont realize that these people are hauling thousands of pounds and don't have an easy time just breaking dead in spot... give him the benefit of the doubt

Jan 16, 2014
Kings of the roads NEW
by: Anonymous

You should call the company that the driver works for. I, too, was cut off by a big rig & I had my mother in the car & my mother had a panic attack. While I was driving, my mother while in the passenger seat, was able to pull out her notepad & pen & wrote down the license plate & the name of the company of the truck & I pulled over & called the company & reported the incident. And also my mother pulled out her cell phone & took a pic of the truck which was beneficial & the company told me that they would deal with the driver! So please do yourself a favor, CALL & REPORT HIM TO HIS COMPANY!! He knew he was bigger than you & thought he was the king of the road which the truck driver that did the same thing to me must have thought he was the king of the road & I showed him that I was the queen of the road & reported him big time & I am well pleased with the results from his company. You don't upset my momma!

Jan 13, 2014
Thoughtful Criticism NEW
by: Hervy

First, I would like to commend the fact that you are concern with this drivers future. Also, i would like to commend you for realizing that there may be more going on than what you witnessed.

I do believe that you should report a driver that is driving recklessly if you are sure that it was reckless.

Of course many situation could be judged differently depending on the person witnessing it.

The main thing I hope you consider before making the call is this....

Could you see or did you look in front of the truck? In other words, do you KNOW that he wasn't avoiding something that happened in front of him, saw that he could move in front of you without causing a wreck. (which he didn't).

Because if he did that to avoid something worse, then he should actually be commended for avoiding a wreck.

However, if you had full view of all that was going on and you KNOW that he made that move for no apparent reason, I would say make the call.

One more thing to consider... were you riding in one position (in his/her blind spot) for an extended period of time before deciding to pass? If so he might not have realize that you were there.

I wasn't there, so I have no idea, I am posing the thought for you to think back and determine for yourself. Just in case you hadn't thought about it.

Either way, I think you are an awesome person and we need more people like you out there on the highway, thoughtful and with desire to improve conditions on our highways. (...and I am pretty sure, in our communities too!)

You'll make the right decision. Have a great day!

Jan 13, 2014
he needs fired NEW
by: Anonymous

We truckers do not own the roads, and all the training i received taught us to be safety minded and considerate of others on the road.

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