If I fail my first drug test 4 CR England school

I start school on Monday. I last smoked on Monday. I have a bottle of test clean I take.

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Sep 05, 2015
Banned for life NEW
by: Anonymous

I will tell exactly what C.R.ENGLAND does if you fail U.A.or Hair Sample You will have to call A.S.A.P that's the name of co. They will not repeat WILL NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS UNTIL YOU PAY 400.00 dollars then you get One name ONE phone number.Better have Ins.or Medical/Medicare (you have to go under mental health that covers time with 1st Dr.& 2nd.Dr.) I had intro 1st Dr.then 4 sessions with 2nd.Dr.plus 30 N/A MEETINGS IN 30 DAYS THEN YOU HAVE TO DO UA FOR 1ST.Dr.total time from start to finish 6Mo.LET ME REPEAT 6Mo.after all that called C R ENGLAND TO RETURN AN IM INFORMED I HAVE BEEN BANNED FOR LIFE FROM THE CO MY ADVICE CJEAN UP BEFORE YOU GO

Sep 05, 2015
Banned for life NEW
by: Anonymous

I will tell exactly what C.R.ENGLAND does if you fail U.A.or Hair Sample You will have to call A.S.A.P that's the name of co. They will not repeat WILL NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS UNTIL YOU PAY 400.00 dollars then you get One name ONE phone number.Better have Ins.or Medical/Medicare (you have to go under mental health that covers time with 1st Dr.& 2nd.Dr.) I had intro 1st Dr.then 4 sessions with 2nd.Dr.plus 30 N/A MEETINGS IN 30 DAYS THEN YOU HAVE TO DO UA FOR 1ST.Dr.total time from start to finish 6Mo.LET ME REPEAT 6Mo.after all that called C R ENGLAND TO RETURN AN IM INFORMED I HAVE BEEN BANNED FOR LIFE FROM THE CO MY ADVICE CJEAN UP BEFORE YOU GO

Mar 06, 2011
by: Jimmy

I'll give you my cell no. Call me when you are driving with the exact route you're taking, so I can stay off that stretch of road. Jimmy

Mar 06, 2011
Just Say No to slavery 2011!
by: Hervy

There is not much else left for me to say, they said it all!

Nick, You are fuuuuuuuunnnny, lol.
What are you saying about England man?

On the real dude, I know the general public and everyone who thinks they are cool, says smoking is no big deal, set that aside for a second.

Let's look at a little reality.

1. It's illegal for one.

2. It can easily become a problem for many people that goes beyond getting in trouble with the law, (as if that is not bad enough, especially if you plan on having kids, family, future, etc)

People who smoke says....HOW? How is it a problem? I been smoking for years and it is not a problem! Never been!

Ok, well...

when you can't leave it alone because you want to not test positive for employment guess what, It ALREADY IS A PROBLEM. Are you feeling me here?

If once hired you are going to continue smoking, which will alter your sense of judgment on decisions, whether it is during driving or blowing off appointment times, etc. and you never get caught up with a random but you end up in an accident killing someone, or with logbook violations, or poor work history which means your options for gainful employment at good companies are limited (if your are able to work at all) based on your history.....guess what...

if getting high resulted in any of these things happening to you, it's a problem!

And all of these scenarios happen.

People who try to convince everyone that getting high is never a problem is lying to themselves and to the people they are talking to.

If a person wants to smoke, drink (which was me and never made an excuse for it), or whatever else, it's up to them.

I feel no certain way about them as a person, but I always hope that they (and you) one day see the big picture which is this...

Most cases, your doing it to be happy, feel good, or cover other pain. Look at all the other long term problems I mentioned earlier that drugs cause while it serves the immediate purpose of making you feel good for the moment.

Those long term problems really out way any momentary false benefits of feeling good.

In reality, your greatly increasing the chance to destroy your life.

I won't even mention, relationship problems, health, parenting, planning, on and on that are also affected at the core when you are a slave to drugs. (Which weed is)

So one has to think......"Is this really what I want for my life"

"Is this something I want to be an issue that I deal with forever as and adult bearing the responsibility for where I end up in life"

"Do I want to look back 20 years from now, see the problems that I encountered that never had to be"

"Are there some changes that I can make right now that are likely to increase the chances of my life being what i want it to be?"

The decision is yours. We can only comment.
Stay strong my friend, think of your future, do what's right.

Mar 05, 2011
Giving up Drugs is a Much Better Life!
by: Anonymous

I gave up the dope in May 2004. I have my brain back. So much better living this way, you should try it. If not, PLEASE stay off the road.

Mar 05, 2011
find a way to pass the drug test or change bad habits
by: Anonymous

If you want to drive a truck or anything in life you need to give that bad habit up. I would not want you on the road driving a truck or in one of my trucks. Need to stay at home give up your bad habits.

Mar 05, 2011
by: NickV

CR England is a great place for you.

Mar 05, 2011
don't bother trucking if your on drugs
by: american trucker

we dont need drug using idiots on road.

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