If I got a ticket in Indiana and I live in Toronto Canada what should I do?

Hi my name is Troy Miller. I am a cross border transport driver from Toronto Canada. On Dec 16 of last year I was involved in an accident on I-69 just outside of the Anderson/Pendleton area.

Apparently there was another truck involved but they failed to remain at the scene. To make a long story short I was issued a traffic infraction from the Indiana State Patrol for Operating a CMV while ill or fatigued.

There is a supposed eye witness that stated I crossed the centre line and they saw what they thought was seizure activity.

While in the hospital in Indiana, they did a number of tests and since I have been home more tests have been done and no proof of any seizure activity has resulted.

My company wishes me to attend court to fight the infraction but I am physically unable to do this as a result of a back injury sustained in the accident.

I was told that you or your agency may be able to help me to contact someone that could advocate on my behalf since I am unable to travel to the Pendleton Town Court on the 17th of this month for a Pre-Trial Conference.

Any help or advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Troy Miller.

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Mar 05, 2010
Indiana Lawyer
by: Hervy

Hello Troy,

I would call an attorney in Indiana that is familiar with cases involving commercial vehicles. This is one that I just did a Google search and came up with. There are 100's


P.S. That's why I have TVC so I don't have to worry when stuff like this comes up but there are other legal plans too.

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