If I hired on as a flatbed driver can company force me to drive van? I signed a contract but it was as a flatbed driver.

by Mary
(Oklahoma city Oklahoma)

I signed on under a contract as a flatbed driver. Company is trying to force me to drive reefer. Can they do that or does it violate contract.

I would swap company but I still have 4months on contract. I made it clear I do not drive anything but flatbed.

What can I do.

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Mar 09, 2017
Stick to your guns if you are sure and don't care if it means your job
by: Hervy

If you have read your contract and you are sure nothing in it states that they can actually change what type of equipment they assign you drive, hold your position.

However, if the contract does not specifically indicate that you are hired ONLY to drive flatbed, it is not the same thing.

Wording is everything.

Plus it sounds like you are a company driver. Likely, they are trying to be highly suggestive or maybe even manipulative or firmly convincing, lol.

End of the the day, your true option might be either drive what they want you to drive or they tell you they don't have a job for you.

So, you have to decide if you want to work for them no matter what or only if it is flatbed. If they don't have a flatbed position, you can't make them let you drive a flatbed. What you can do is go to another company with a flatbed position.

I doubt you can make them let you drive flatbed.
Sounds like they might have shady recruiting or something. However, I doubt they are breaking some law. (Which would mean you have no legal recourse)

Good luck. Hope it works out for you.

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