If my husband and I are team drivers and he loses his cdl due to medical card disqualification, can I get my unemployment?

My husband and I have been team otr drivers for 12 years. Last week his dr told him that his type 2 diabetes could no longer be controlled with pills and he had to start taking insulin.

Two days later he received a letter from the Dept of Public Safety informing him that his commercial driver license is suspended.

I do not feel safe going over the road alone and I feel it is my duty as a wife to stay beside my husband while his health is so bad.

My question is could I qualify unemployment compensation?

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Nov 04, 2012
Can I get my unemployment

I got the same letter he got. lost my license being put on insulin. They allow you to appeal their medical evaluation form.

You fill it out, go to the Dr. or your personal Dr and he fills out his portion. Next you return the form to DOT. Then you wait for them to get an appoint for your hearing.

That's how it's done for medical suspension if you choose to appeal.

Nov 04, 2012
Can I get my unemployment
by: wesley

I don't know what state you come from they will certainly allow you to apply in any state should grant you the unemployment benefits due to the fact you ran as a team and no longer have a co driver and that you only run with your husband.

The same thing happened to me they denied me the benefits due to the fact I was aware of the fact I was responsible for keeping it under control I was then advised to file state disability which he can do that in the meantime you can file an appeal with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

They will grant you and appeal and then require to retake physical they will require you have a driver medical evaluation form that basically looks like a DOT physical form you will fill out your information on the front your doctor will fill out the other information which the DOT will make a decision whether to reinstate your class a

Nov 03, 2012
Are you able to drive?
by: Anonymous

He lost his license, and you did not. You can still drive. Did you both work for the same company that paid into unemployment? Why hasn't the company paired you up with another team member?

If you are independent or owner operator, and paid into your unemployment funds, then you still have a truck you can drive it? You only gave bits of info so its hard to give you a heads up. Logically speaking if you did not lose your CDL, then you are employable, and should consider going to work/drive without your husband, and he would probably want to look for other work.

Hope this helps! :)

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