If you are unable to return the truck can they still claim I abandoned truck

Due to my medical card my cdl was medically down graded. I was told not to drive from safety an some one would come get me and the truck back to the terminal.

Its been a week an every time I call I'm told they will call me back and never do. What are my options getting myself out of here

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Apr 01, 2017
Get it straight NEW
by: Anonymous

Small or large, DAC could be an issue.

If they file an abandoned rig or load and put it in your DAC report, you're gonna have a tough time finding another driving job

Also, "down-grading" a medical card, to me seems like it may have something to do with either a mental illness (anxiety, depression, schizo, whatever) or a physical ailment (blood pressure, coronary issues, diabetes, blood sugar issues, seizures)... and possibly the discovery of medications that a MRO didn't like.

They may not be on the FMCSA or DOT banned list, but prescription meds can easily be reported and discovered even if you thought HIPPA was on your side. If these meds are reported by the MRO to the DMV, they will need to be ammended and exponged

Not sure all what you got goin' on and if youre telling us everything, but you have TWO issues here: Possible abandonment, and possible DQ

Can you elaborate on the "downgrade" of your med cert? I know they can downgrade by having you certed only for a few months or even a year instead of two, but there are also other types of downgrades. For some reason this one was serious enough to pull you out of a CMV


Mar 31, 2017
As far as i can tell
by: Hervy

Unless you are leaving something it seems that you are on the same page. I am guessing you are at a small company.

My only question is where is out of here. And did you let them know your card was about to expire prior to being wherever u are.

Also if your contact person seems to be putting you off, get in touch with his/her boss and explain the situation.

I think thats how i would handle it if it were me.

But if it is a smaller company you might just have to be patient.

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