if you blow an air bag on your trailer, and you have a light load, can you keep going for a short distance to get it repaired??

Blew an air bag on the trailer. I have a light load. Is it OK to keep going to get to yard for repairs. Have about 200 miles to go???

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Jun 12, 2023
Are you maintaining air pressure NEW
by: Anonymous

If you are able to keep your air pressure above 110 psi then you shouldn't have a problem.

I've done it.

P.S. This is not advice. (lol)

Jul 25, 2014
blown air bag NEW
by: Anonymous

A blown trailer air bag can happen,mostly for no reason at all. Or it will blow when you slide wheels backwards without letting the air out of the suspension first. Can you keep going?? Well if the compressor keeps up,and the tires don't rub on the trailer, technically yes! But you can end up with suspension famage and you can damage the other side bag by overloading,

Apr 30, 2012
You dont blow them, they blow it by itself NEW
by: Anonymous

Dispatch will say it , yeah no problem, but if something happens its your resposability

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