There are good days and bad days... just as in any other relationship. I enjoy the freedom I have and the extra space in the bed, but I am just as content to have him home to hold in my arms. We have 4 teens in our household.. it's pretty hectic at times. Getting a routine of chores and homework down is the key to sanity. Good communication with your man and a steady routine / schedule at home brings peace.
Apr 06, 2012 Rating
so true..NEW by: Anonymous
Being the wife of a trucker isn't as bad as everyone says it is. I've been a trucker's wife for over 9 years. There are good days, there are bad days... Just like in every other relationship in the world. It's all in how you "roll with the flow" and deal with it that makes the difference. Yea i could set around and whine and complain about how he's not home everyday and how stressful it can be. Or i can stand up and go on about my day doing the best i can. I've seen so many women come on this sight and say and act like it's so bad, but it is what we make it. I could set and sulk about what isn't good in my life, or i can embrace the positive and go on about my day.... Ladies, it's time we make a choice, set here and cry or pick it up and carry on. What's the choice? It's all yours....