If you have a running a red light on your mvr and 2 seat belt tickets on your record with four points will it be difficult to get hired.

by chris
(lynn haven,fl.)

chances of getting a trucking job will be low with a red light and seat belt violations.

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Feb 21, 2012
The more stuff you have on your driving record the hard it is to get a job
by: Hervy

Chris, it will be difficult.

Running red lights is very dangerous. As you know safety is a major concern in the trucking industry.

You might do a role reversal. If you were an employer hiring a driver, what type of driver would you hire?

I would call around to a lot of trucking companies and listen to their responses to get a more concrete idea of whether or not you should pursue trucking at this time.

The biggest thing in your corner would be the length of time ago this all happened. If it was years ago, there is a possibility. If this happened in less than 3 years ago I doubt you can get hired.

Good luck on your progress though and don't let closed doors(if this is what happens) for what you prefer keep you from moving ahead in life.

You are on the right track, asking questions and trying to make moves. Keep on making those positive moves until you are on the course to make your life what you want it to be.


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