If you need to plug you truck in at night and your neighborhood has a sign no triaxel trucks can you take it on home anyways

by scott
(oklahoma city okla usa)

I live in the historical part in Oklahoma city I own and operated my tri-axel dump truck. If I need to plug my truck in due to cold weather can I drive it home despite the fact my neighborhood has a sign saying no tri-axel trucks

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Feb 05, 2016
Evaluating Your Neighborhood
by: Hervy

If there is a sign that points out Tri-axel trucks it makes me think either your neighborhood is a convenient shortcut for traffic and/or there is a lot of dump truck activity near.

That is a foundation.

Thinking of that I would consider what the sign really means.

First things I would do is, ask police how they enforce that ordinance. The other thing is if there is an homeowners association or something find out how strict that is. Make sure you let each of them know you live there.

Many neighborhoods put signs up that says "NO Trucks Allowed" put them up to keep trucks out that might use the neighborhood as a short cut or alternate route.

They don't always apply to a person who actually lives there and drives a truck.

Having said that. Don't assume that it is OK but ask people who might enforce that.

The other thing i would do is pay attention when going through the neighborhood. Do you see any other trucks? I would stop and ask what process they went through to get authorization to bring the truck in the neighborhood.

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