I'll be his wife one day

by Tay

I am in a relationship with my soulmate. He is a regional trucker, but stays on the road for weeks at a time for financial reasons.

When I first met him I thought I can never be with a driver. But as I fell in love with him I knew I'd be with him no matter how often he came home.

I've always been totally against "long distance" relationship. But when I met him it no longer felt like that was the worse thing in the world lol.

Having him in my life outweighs all of the cons that come along with being a truckers wife. Being a truckers wife, being his wife one days comes with a badge of honor that I will proudly wear.

He was supposed to be 3 hours away tomorrow so of course I was gonna take the drive to spend the day with him, but after a terrible day on the road today he has miles to make up so he has to get back on the road after his drop. :-( I don't complain, I am very understanding. I have to be. Besides, he coming home on Friday, Lord willing

-future truckers wife

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Jun 16, 2014
Great attitude for being a truckers wife
by: Hervy

Tay, it sounds like you and hubby will make the trucking lifestyle work out as long as you both just keep it up. Seems the communication is there. It seems like the attitude and ambition is also there to allow the experience to make your relationships stronger.

Hope you keep us posted on some of the things that you learn about making the relationship work as time goes on.

Thanks for sharing!

That simple post you made demonstrated how despite things not turning out the way expected, a person can choose to remain happy and hopeful about the next time.

No point on getting stuck on how that didn't work out.

What a great life lesson.

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