I'm 18 and want to become a truck driver.

by Kenneth
(Cartersville GA, Bartow County)

I live in Georgia and have been looking into starting a career in driving. I'm having difficulty locating a job that will hire a driver under the age of 21, and looking further into it; I've only seen jobs that hire people with a large amount of experience.

I have no training or experience and want to know the steps I need to take to get licensed and be able to begin driving initially to gain experience. What kind of license will I need to begin at an entry-level position and where can I go to find one?

I know that those under the age of 21 can't drive interstate, however; even the jobs I find that are intrastate, as well as part-time positions, require age 21+.

TL;DR I'm 18 and need to know what steps I need to take to get licensed, and where can I find a job that will hire me.

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Apr 10, 2018
A long road....
by: Jimmy

Welcome. You can get licensed at any truck driving school, however getting a driving job will be the trick. You're correct, most co's want over 21, at least and even more want over 23-25 yrs old.

So, step 1....truck school for your license.
step 2........Look for probably farm type driving jobs. (you have to start somewhere)
step 3........ keep your CDL squeaky clean.

Another thing to consider is truck related work, such as dock work and loading unloading trailers. This type of work will lead into a driving job at some point. Another is moving co's. Because movers need trucks to move the furniture.

Don't be afraid to start out with driving 10 wheeler box trucks too. Good luck, Jimmy

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