Im 21 and getting ready to start school

by David Augsburger
(Thornton Co, 80229)

Dear Jimmy,

My name is David and im getting ready to be going to school to get my class a cdl. I have made the decision to become a truck driver because i love to drive and it's good money. I'm excited to start going to school here very soon.

I am wondering what is it like to be a trucker? What is it like to be on the road? Is it easy to do or am i chasing a goast ship? (so to speak.)

I have wanted to be a driver since my dad got his cdl and it inspired me to do so as well. I want to get my own place and a car. I want to learn as much as i can befor i go about what it is like to be a trucker and what do i need to know about driving trucks Befor i go, finish and complete school. my e-mail address is Thank you for your time Jimmy.

sincerly David

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