Im a Cdl Graduate out of virginia looking to get my foot in the door

by James
(Richmond, VA)

I am a cdl class a graduate who has a not so good criminal background and a not so pretty mvr report. I have paid for my mistakes and would like another chance in life and to spend that life as a trucker.

I am willing to do teams or whatever it may take. I know that there is someone out there that can look past all these flaws and give a man a chance.

Thank you. I can be contacted at 804-833-3455. Thanks
Company Paid truck driver training Richmond Va area

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Jan 24, 2014
Looking into smaller companies
by: M Watson

Your best bet driver would be to look into the smaller companies in your area. I would start by picking up the phone and calling a few.

Be honest that's the first thing when you are in an interview. Always have your 3 year MVR and long form with you at these interviews some smaller companies do hire on the spot.

You may have to run local, such as making deliveries or running construction trucks. Most over the road companies require some previous experience and this is a good way to get that. Stay consistent in your search for a job. Word of mouth gets around pretty quickly, someone is bound to hire you eventually.

Some of my best drivers were brand new and they did me well. I'm retired now or I would have been happy to give you a fair shot.

Good Luck and safe travels!

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