I’m a new truckers wife...Been riding with him

by Dj
(Atlanta )

At times it get lonely. We move to a new state and I’m looking for employment so until I land a job I travel with him.

Contest to what many have said, I haven’t seen many women soliciting the truckers... I’ve been to many rest stops, loves and pilots. To be honest the female workers at the places are very flirtatious with the truckers...

I’ve witnessed many truckers turn down the obvious offers. After being on the road with my husband, I don’t see how they have time... well for hubby he drives all day rest for ten but he’s tired!!!!

Sometimes too tired to eat... hope this helps. This is just my experience

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Nov 24, 2017
They find a way!
by: Anonymous

When OTR truck drivers take a 34 hour reset, that is when they are not driving for 34 hours, well that is plenty of time for them to have a woman or women on the truck and when they are driving they are required to wear a headset so they are hands free and they do make plenty of calls with fleet managers, spouses, friends and other family members!

You should see my monthly online cell phone bill! My husband has a lot more incoming and outgoing phone calls than what is for my cell phone.

If I see a phone # that I do not recognize, I asked him who it is and he'll say that it is another truck driver's #. Oh by the way, you say your husband is new to being a truck driver, well for now he has not changed, wait till you stop riding with him and he starts to having a few years.

The road changes a person and who he is around out there, I know because I have seen the changes in mine and I was told that I will start to dislike him and it could lead up to hating him and this may be the reason I say OTR truck driver and not the word trucker!!

Nov 16, 2017
Thanks for sharing DJ
by: Hervy

Appreciate sharing your experience on the road. I agree there is little time for messing around on the road if a driver is focused on running.

I rarely even answer the phone after driving all day.

I havent seen all the flirting you speak of either though. Maybe your husband is much more hansdome than I lol.

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