I'm bouncing my tractor when shift gears

by Bouncin' Girl

When I'm backing up into a door, yes I get nervous. The nervousness is getting better. But what isn't is bouncing/shaking my tractor.

Am I using too much clutch (not to sound stupid here) or like in a four wheeler how you learn to "feather the clutch" is that what I supposed to be doing? Learning how to feather it?

I don't bounce it every time, but I do it often enough. Because I'm nervous I can't seem to recall what I did differently that made it smoother when I didn't bounce and shake.

Please help!

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Feb 03, 2017
2 common possibilities
by: Hervy

Likely you are starting off in a gear too high.

You might also be in the right gear but getting off the clutch a little too quickly.

If loaded try starting in 1st gear and see what if the bouncing continues to happen.

If empty, try starting in 3rd gear and see if it continues to happen. If it does ease up off of the clutch slower. If you smell a stinky smell, that is too slow. Release clutch at a faster pace but in 2nd gear.

Jun 28, 2015
Keep at it knowing that you will be shifting smoothly soon
by: Hervy

You find the friction point and adjust the speed with which you come off of the clutch at that point to make a smooth shift.

Hang in there. Your post tells me that you are mindful of what you are doing. Even though you can't remember what you did last successful time, you are aware that you need to so you will keep paying attention until you get it.

To help calm yourself just breath deeply in and out. (It actually causes physiological change in your body and naturally helps you to relax.)

While doing so try to clear your mind of all negative thoughts in your head and instead pay attention to your rpm in the gears and how quickly you get off the clutch so that you can adjust it as needed to eliminate the jerking.

Many people have the same issue when starting and if they keep at it, it always gets better. Always.

So don't worry, it will come. Just keep at it.

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