I'm going nuts not knowing anything. It's been too long!!

I'm a fiancee of a trucker. And we talk everyday on Instant Messanger or phone.But mostly IM. I'm worried because I haven't heard from him in 9 days! It's been too long since I heard from him. I leave IM messages as well as Email and cell phone messages.But no answer. I tell him in them messages I'm so worried he hasn't talked to me in so long. He didn't even contact me when I sent birthday wishes all 3 ways to him. Now that is odd. What should I do?? One friend said to call the trucking company and ask if hes been in any accidents or something.There is a number for some office of the co. he drives for but I don't know if they'd give any info to me. What do you think? I'm not his wife yet so I don't know....Our last conversation was happy and he was excited to come see me soon. So I'm going insane cause I feel hopeles and helpless. :( I'm desperate....Anyone help please?!

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Aug 06, 2009
Too Bad
by: Anonymous

How long have you been engaged? Was he a OTR driver when you met him? If he isn't calling you after all this time and you know he is ok I would say you may want to think what the future with a man like this may be. You can not live like this.

It takes trust and understanding to be married to a man that is gone for up to 3 weeks and home 3 days. Because if you feel you have to call him several times a day and call his work when you don't hear from him that is not a life and you will not be happy with that life.

I have been around the industry for 20 years and I am married to a Owner op. he is gone for 3 weeks at a time. I go with him for a while. I have seen the good and the bad in the lives of truckers and there are women that have a hard time with them being gone.

You may want to think this through before you go any further with this man. It doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. Sorry to tell you that, it is hard to let go.

Jun 25, 2009
I am so very sorry
by: Jennifer Schnittker

Unfortunately it seems that you got hooked up with one of those drivers that give good drivers bad names.

Not all are like that, and If he is not willing to give a little more to communicate I dont know that its worth staying. Its blunt but true.

May 21, 2009
by: Jimmy

Well, that's life I guess. Sorry to hear, but be strong. Best of luck to you. Jimmy

May 21, 2009
I have news...
by: Anonymous

I called his company and they said he was just in a few days ago to the office. I told them the story and they sent him a message on the Qualcom to call me right away cause I'm worried about him. Still no call back but at least he is alive and alright!

Small comfort though.....It may be over anyway. I called one last time to get him to talk to me saying I'm not mad and don't hate him but we will see I guess.....

May 20, 2009
Going Nuts
by: Hervy

Perfectly normal for you to be going nuts. Hope you did exactly what Jimmy suggested. Any person who cares about someone would feel the way you do and its absolutely nothing wrong with you being concerned.

I hope everything is OK.

However, if everything IS OK. I would question how this guy feels about you. Who would not talk to his woman for that long. I just don't know under what circumstance that would happen.

(Unless of course your conversation reveals something that justifies his disappearing act. Don't know what could though for that long)

If he acts like he is pissed because you care so much that you called his company after not hearing from him for 9 days,I would say that you should really talk to some unbiased people for advice on your relationship. Personally I wouldn't treat my woman that way and I know no man who would treat a woman he loves that way. That's a script from the player days.

Let us know if he turned out to be alright.

@anonymous if don't know how you feel your comment is appropriate and seems completely stupid to me but the only reason I left it is because I would like to hear you explain it.

May 18, 2009
Dear Mary
by: Anonymous

Does HOOOOCHIE MAAAAMA say anything?

May 18, 2009
She's worried.
by: Jimmy

Yes, call his company, Explain the situation. They may or may not play ball with you. If they won't play ball, ask them if he has been dispatched today or is currently on a dispatch, at the very least.

Explain that you do not need to know any additional info, but since you two are engaged, you are extremely concerned about the one you love and if he is dumping you, you would appreciate knowing that he is at least alive and well so you can get on with your life.

Or another way to inquire is to call and ask to leave a message for so and so. At that point, if he had been hurt or killed, they might ask who you are and either give you the needed info or not. Hard to say. On his application, he listed someone to call in case of emergency. If it wasn't you, then you would never know. Jimmy

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