Im going to marry a trucker.....

by Diana H. Cepeda
(El Paso,Texas Dona Ana)

MY Trucker ANd ME..

MY Trucker ANd ME..

Good afternoon to all,

I have been dating a trucker...I heard all opinions and stories about truckers and wives at home, well I want to say I LOVE my Trucker, yes, it's hard and one thing I learned is that a trucker relationship is one of the hardest to keep. You have to make it work day in day out.

Communication goes a long way even beyond because you get to read the even silent moments...even silence becomes language. You take a relationship to another level.

I talk every day with him, I never stop telling him I miss him, men loved to be missed. I tell him every day how even when he is away he is close to my heart.

I send him clean sexy photos of his bundle of Joy (me),I send a kiss picture every morning, I always talk about our future. He tell me He never had that, he said that if more woman would be like me many truckers would be happy to do trucking.

He said he looks forward to coming home because the smile upon my face, when I get off the car to "run" to him with excitement are moments make it worth it for him.

Yes its hard but living life to fullest is better and if we choose this we make the best of it. I love My Trucker Robert.

Its amazing to know that I am planning our wedding and children and is like he's next to me doing it with me. I do even the little things with him,like have dinner on phone while he's too having dinner...just to make sure he knows I'm always there and he always there.

I created a personal website only him and I know where I write my love letter to him and dreams. I love every thing we have and all we are. It's not perfect but love surpass all.

Diana Cepeda

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Apr 12, 2014
I agree with the writer NEW
by: Anonymous

Being a truckers wife/.gf is what you make of it. You need to spend time on the road with them to understand the stress they go through... they need to know their woman is strong understanding and independant and a big supporter for them... I have traveled with my trucker so I understood what he goes through. I call him every day or he calls me. We text Gm when we wake and gn before we sleep never go a day without letting each other know we love each other and I never go without him known I support him. We have great communication and trust...

Mar 30, 2014
Have to agree with the 2 former posts NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh please you make us all gag. I totally agree with the last 2 postings. You are looking at him through rose colored glasses. Wake up & smell the flowers because after the honeymoon phase, it is reality!!!!

Mar 19, 2014
bleh NEW
by: Anonymous

Move back to your country of origin.
illegal alien
K thanks bye

Mar 19, 2014
by: Anonymous

Sorry, but you REALLY need to quit drinking the pancake syrup. It's unnaturally sweet and not the real deal. When you can swallow real maple (bitter-sweet) then we can have a grown up conversation. Wow. Wake up.

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