I'm hearing a lot of contradictions from trucking companies and drivers

by Glenn
(Denver, CO)

As I research the trucking industry, I'm realizing that majority if not all of the companies I talk to communicate that new driver's will receive at least 2500 - 3000 miles per week but the driver's are singing a different beat. How does this occur legally? They all say the same lingo essentially "most miles in the industry".....

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May 03, 2010
trucking company says one thing driver says another
by: Hervy

Glenn that is one of the reasons that I built the site. Trucking companies are marketing to get drivers. It's no different than the way all other products are marketed to us.

Having the most miles means nothing, it just looks good. It's the person's responsibility to do research like your doing.

Also 2500 to 3000 is not a hard number to achieve in a good economy but it's not that easy to promise or predict what you will run week to week unless it's dedicated.

It's more realistic for them to state the monthly average. Usually if one week is pretty high then the next is pretty low.

A driver who your talking to may point out those low weeks and not point out the high weeks. You'll have to keep that in mind when he or she answers to make sure you get a fair representation of reality.

But like you are assuming, many trucking companies exaggerate their miles too.

As far as the legality part, you'll have to ask a lawyer about it but the way they use that for marketing I think has wiggle room to not be false advertising(and I don't know why anyone would take it seriously when like you said you see so many companies saying the same thing so that tells you to ignore it) and as far as the individual pursuing it legally it's probably a waist unless it's guaranteed in a written contract that you will average a certain amount of miles per week.

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