I'm leaving for the navy in 9 months. Is it worth even getting my CDL?

by Alex

I'm 18 years old, and enlisted in the navy. My date that i go to boot camp is Jan 18th 2011. I need a job. I've always wanted to drive. I just don't know if that will give me enough time to do so. I just want to know is it worth becoming a driver for a few months? or should i just get a job at McDonalds and call it quits.


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Apr 24, 2010
should you get your cdl
by: Hervy

Well Alex, that's a tough one, depends on why you want to get them. Your saying its mainly because you always wanted to drive. If that is the main reason, why not go ahead and get them.

A community college would be the cheapest route but would take the longest. You don't want to go to a company sponsored because you won't have enough time to commit to pay them back.

A Private school would cost you too much money. (unless you have some to blow)

One thing about it your CDLs don't just expire when you leave for the NAVY so you will already have them when you get out.

Although you will have to take a refresher course before someone will hire you.

LOL, so then again maybe you would want to wait!

Well put it this way those are the scenarios you have, you will have to decide which route. There is not right or wrong just what ever suits your pleasure.

Getting them now may be a waste depending on how long a refresher course is.

Hope I didn't confuse you more,

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