I'm married to a Cell Phone

by Beckey Short
(Russellville, Arkansas)

My Wonderful Truck Driving Man

My Wonderful Truck Driving Man

Even tho I have had a few truck drivers in my family(pepa and uncle), I never imaged it would be so hard to be a truckers wife. My hubby and I met last Feb. and everything was so awesome, We floated on cloud 11 for the first 3 month so we decided to get married, and in May thats what we did. Thats when real life set in..I began to realize things weren't so awesome. The time we got to spend together slowly started to fade and now we spend what seems like 24/7 on our cell phones. Most of that time is spent listening to him vent about anything from other drivers disrespecting to the bs with the dispatchers, to making sure I sent out such and such bill, to the weather, to how slow his truck runs now and the list goes on. So mean while I'm stuck in what seems to be and endless chain of chaos and stress and to make matters worse I just recently lost my job of 5 yrs which I loved. I have one child left at home who is 14 and I still can't shake the loniness I feel, there has been a many of nights I've cried myself to sleep and prayed for things to get easier. When my hubby does come home some of the stress is lifted but then theres always something to take it's place. I wait on him hand and foot with no complaints and try to act strong when he doesn't feel like do anything but resting. Please don't think I'm complaining cause I'm not, I love my husband just as much as when we was on cloud 11 if not more, I have a whole new respect for this lifestyle and the families who have to indure. It really does take a special woman to be able to cope with this type of lifestyle, and at times I'll even admit I wonder if I'm goin to have the strengh to keep on keepin on, But somehow I always find a way. I'd like to say "Thank You" to all truckers and their wives for what you do and for what you go thru everyday. God Bless.
There's a few things I'd like to say to the haters, golddiggers and the "lot lizards"....I don't feel for you at all, you disrespect our men and what they stand for, break up loving families, spread diseases and have no care for who you hurt. My advice to you is Get a Life and I real JOB! may God have mercy on your soul.

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Jan 31, 2009
Beckey's real life friend.
by: Toni

Well let me say, I wouldnt know about it being hard being a truckers wife, but i am a wife of a military guy, who spent a year and a half in Iraq. He came home, and got a job with the Corps of Engineers, and is gone, Mon thru Thurs, and sometimes longer, depending on his job. So I know exactly what Beckey is going thru, with the loneliness, of not having your spouse beside you in bed. But as Beckey knows, I have 2 full time jobs, 1 that i work of out of the home, then i have my job in home, being a mother of a 17 year old and 3 year old girl, plus the puppies, and the "Mother" that lives with me. So when my husband is home, we spend our quality time together, and he helps me out loads, especially with our 3 yr old.

So Beckey's title - I'm married to a Cell Phone. I am too!!! but i thank the lord, cell phones exist, and at least I am able to communicate with him that way!! And i do have my friends, such as Beckey! She truly is amazing, we've known each other forever, and I know, she is always there for me :)

I agree with the "girls night out" *hint hint* We need to do more stuff together, like we used to, even when our husbands are home, lets hang out, play cards, or watch a movie!!! Yeah include our husbands too! LOL

Lylas! <3

Jan 29, 2009
My Cell's Name is Keith
by: Jennifer Schnittker

Very well said,

It is very difficult when most of the communication is via an ear piece.

I went just what your going through in July, I had to have a total hysterectomy--my husband left me in the hands of a 17 year old child 3 days after surgery (who by the way slept til 3pm) I could not roll over, walk, go to the ladies room.

I had been struggling with his career choice for over 7 months at that point.

Then when I did finally recover, I went back to work, and lost my job with in 2 weeks. I was devastated.

It seemed as if my kids were growing up and leaving, my husband was running away from me, my health was failing, and I could not even hold down my job.

I felt an isolation that I do not think I had ever felt before.

It was around then that I plunged myself into this web sight, then found other things to do online, Playing on game sites, and finally said "hey, enjoy being home." I have. Finally.

I also finally (and yes ladies it does happen) got use to being a "single-wife". It took me almost a year to get use to a lonely bed. Have a nightmare and roll over to a pillow.

It takes adjusting, and actual fortitude to be a truckers wife--but it will come around

Since your child is 14--think about it this way. in 4 years you can jump in the truck and go with him.

I still hate being separated from my husband, but I am grateful that in todays economy--and trucking industry, that he does still have a job.

Find somethings to keep you busy, community service, special "nights" with your child, "girls night out."

Things for just you, kick off your shoes, and be glad that even though you do not have a job, you do have a choice--to go to back to work, or not.

In the mean time, I am thinking about having a "special" time of the day that we truckers wives can get together and vent about our day's --since it seems our guys do not have the time to listen to them. Then we can vent about their venting..hehehe

Let me know a good time for you---Would love to meet you in the chat.



Jan 29, 2009
Beckey's got the blues
by: Jimmy

Hey Beckey,you're not alone. So many women fall in love with their trucker and then realize what it's like. ( the lifestyle ) The cloud 9 is "fantasyland" and him doing his job is the "real world".

Can you ride with him? Would you want to learn to drive a truck? If he has a computer with him on the road, check out 'SKYPE.COM' You can video via the computer, SKYPE TO SKYPE, free as many times as you want.

You have made it past the initial shock, now you just have to figure how to cope and keep moving with the relationship. You're married to a cell phone, he's married to a truck. Let me guess, since you live in Russellville, he hauls chickens out and produce back. Does that Californey turn, right?

Hopefully, you'll hear from Jen in Pa.She's like you and can give you womanly advice. Good luck, Jimmy

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