i'm new at doing logs for my office. we work 70/8 days

I'm confused on when I start counting back to get my totals and what is taken off on my logs. Do I start on my eight day and count back 7 or is it the 9th day that's taken off?

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Sep 16, 2009
log expert
by: Hervy


I just had to say.....

Jimmy I thank you too for your prompt response.

And Rita I am with Jimmy, logs is not my favorite things so I wish you all the happiness you need to do them for however many people your checking behind. LOL. That might be more headache than driving, but I imagine we will be able to ask you questions about logs pretty soon.

You will be a log expert!

Have fun.

Jul 17, 2009
by: Rita

Jimmy I want to thank you for your prompt response. You answered my question which I thought I was doing it the right way. thx again have a wonderful day and may all your trip be save.

Jul 16, 2009
by: Jimmy

I don't envy you. Reading other peoples logs is like Greek to me. OK, let me say, I don't want to give you any wrong info, but if I was inspected along side the highway, the cop would look at today's log and the previous 7 days for a total of 8 days.

I'm not sure how an in-office audit works, since you are receiving logs in the mail/trip pack every day. And a cluster of logs will be different at any time of the month. From the 3rd through the 10th vs. the 7th through the 14th, for instance.

As an auditor, you should be concerned with the 14 hr rule, the 11 hr rule and the 10 hour break, as well as the 70 hr rule. Let me know if you need more info. Jimmy

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