I'm not who I was

by Asa Belton
(LosAngeles, California)

My names is Asa Belton,and I have class A,B license with all endorsements. doubles,triples,tankers,passengers,and hazmat, but it is difficult finding someone that will give me that second chance, because, yes I have a felony but it was back in "97".

Then I made some bad choices that led to experiments with drugs which led to me picking up a burglary felony. I only did it to support my habit, had it not been for that, I've always worked on a job.

In all realness I'm not that person. And to realize that, it took 1 1/2 yrs in prison which I did back in "97" and since then I've had no contact with law enforcement and have been on the road to recovery, with 2yrs of sobriety, drug free.

All I want and is to get a second chance to show that I am not that person of my past now. I live in Los Angeles, California. Will someone please help me to be all that I should. 213-784-7665

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Sep 07, 2010
Old Things Are Past Away
by: Asa

Thanks Jeff:

You Just keep doing what your doing and the grace and favor Of God will find a place for you in the trucking industry as well. That goes for all those future truckers out there.

Bless You and Yours.

Sep 03, 2010
97 was a hell of a year
by: Jeff

I got in trouble in 97 for a dui with vehicular assault. I agree we are not the same people especially 13 years later. In 97 I was 19 now Im 32 and married and go to church. I am doing many things differently from the time I got into my troubles. I am looking into being a trucker as I hear this is the best industry for people with felonies. I talked to a swift recruiter and also a Cr England recruiter among many others. I dont remember if it was Swift or Cr England but they told me that I had to be off papers for 7 years. my probation was done November of 2004 so November of 11 I will be 7 years off paper. All I can say is keep trying. Keep your chin up and dont give up! eventually things will turn around for you. :)

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