I'm on disability and take prescription meds can I still get a job driving a truck. I have my cdl license?

by Lonnie
(Albertville, Alabama USA )

I am presently on disability. I am an experienced driver and have a current cdl license. Can I get a job driving?

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May 19, 2024
Its not going back to work its going back to not starve anymore
by: Anonymous

I have been on SSDI for 14 years now and have starved enough. I am worse now than 14 years ago. I can barly walk in the morning and now have a few other medical issues due to the meds and not having the right food or other meds I could not afford to buy. I am going to try and ork 6 months to put some money in my bank. I had to give up my truck because i could not afford it. It mite be better if i could drive to the DR and not have a 6 hour day every time i see my DR.

Nov 26, 2019
Yes, you can drive but do your research NEW
by: Anonymous

You sound like you are good to go in terms of your CDL and feel that, in spite of having a disability, you should be able to drive with or without reasonable accommodations. But if you feel job accommodations may be needed in the future, check this website article: https://askjan.org/articles/Accommodations-for-Driving.cfm

and also go through their website, www.askjan.com. I'd say look into job accommodations after you are hired. The one downside is revealing you have a disability to your employer so, yes, wait until after you are hired: you are not required to reveal you have a disability to your employer up front or at all if you choose. There are very few exceptions to this since the employer runs the risk of employment or hiring discrimination but do your research: there are times where you have to disclose to certain persons such as the medical examiner you will need to see for your DOT medical card. The prescription meds also cannot be proven to cause things like drowsiness, seizures, etc. Talk to your doctor about this. When you go to get your DOT medical card and mention your disability, they will need documentation from your primary care provider proving the disability is being managed and is unlikely to interfere with the safe operating of your vehicle.
Also look into social security program called "Ticket to Work". The program will help you find a job and return to work one step at a time, working while you still have disabilities. The program is designed to help you make a living, adapting to working while having a disability, and eventually no longer need disability income due to earning above a certain amount each month. www.ssa.gov/tickettowork . You can qualify for extended medicare coverage and during a work-trial period they will have you on, you can work and receive the disability pay. After that work period, depending on how much you earn in a month, you may not receive disability pay but you should be earning more than enough to not need it and if that's the case, then that's your sign that you can work despite having a disability. That's something to be proud of. Eventually, when your income is steady, the payments will stop. The program has a safety net that if you become disabled again within a certain timeframe (less than five years I think), you can restart disability payments without having to reapply as long as you still meet their rules for being disabiled. Hopefully this will never happen and you will be good to go no matter what. Just maintain your meds, live healthy, get support, and you will be able to work regardless if you have a disability or not.
A note on the medication: Odds are you will need to disclose your medication use to your employer. They may ask you to review and sign a form that asks if you are on medication. Their concern is whether the meds can affect your ability to drive safely but, again, do your research. Make sure that is all they are asking and what they need to know about your disability depends. Look at the askjan.com website and the EEOC website under the ADA section for more information.
Last, I'd say research the companies you're interested in. Some employers are accommodating towards those with disabilities and some just do the minimum (as in only obey the parts of the ADA laws on disability accommodations and anti-discrimination) but will resist doing much else. Find and apply to ones known for being accommodating.
Ignore that other comment from someone who has nothing better to do than to troll the internet and make themselves feel better at others expense. This is your life and you know what you need to do. The fact that you want to work while having a disability is a great thing.
Good luck on your job search.

Jun 25, 2019
Clueless insensitive prick NEW
by: Anonymous

"if you are on disability it means you are not physicaly or mentaly able to work.thats why you sit at home and get a check from the goverment every month.if you are wanting to drive a truck you know you are not truely disabled and need to get off your dead freeloading ass and off disability and let someone who is really disabled draw that disability money. thats what is wrong with the system to many slacking fakers like you drawing it and then still wanting a job. dead beat ,slacking , faker."

Who ever wrote this..... you are clueless prick go fuck yourself.

Jul 29, 2018
Not giving up NEW
by: Anonymous

A disabled person starts feeling useless after a certain period of time. You can’t completely give up on ever getting your life back and feeling like your life matters. For someone to make cruel comments like someone has a choice to be disabled is a cruel and cold hearted individual. Some ppl are born with their illness and nobody wants to be limited in life or feel like they are being cheated. I applaud anyone who is fighting for their life and not giving up! Some ppl aren’t affected by their illness everyday or can’t perform certain tasks but aren’t totally helpless. Be mindful of others feelings bc you don’t know what your future holds. Good luck everyone who wants more for their future.

May 28, 2018
Disable NEW
by: Nancy G

I can’t believe that some people are so rude and insensitive to persons that are disabled. Judge and jury really don’t talk unless you’ve been in someone’s shoes. Let’s clarify the disable some are on SSI which means they collect a check from the government because they have no work earnings. Know SSA means that they have worked and are able to pull money from their time of worked. When it comes to applying for disability you have to be disabled. There is no 3/4, 1/ 2, either you are or you ain’t. Simple as that. This is how the government works. For you IInformation. So when a disable ask can they still work a job maybe it’s because they still want to be useful. Who knows but for people to be so cruel makes me ill. I am disabled and I work part-time. So think before you speak on someone else. Knowledge is power and being dumb is just that.

Jul 17, 2016
Get your facts NEW
by: Anonymous

Before you start passing judgement ask questions, it is so unfair of you to tell this person to get off their deadbeat freeloading ass, until you are in that persons shoes or now all the facts keep your mouth shut, if you are on disibility you are able to work a certain number of hours a week, for those of us that are disability it is very hard. When I was told at the age of 37 I lost my self worth felt worthless that was one of the hardest days of my life and if it where not for my husband helping me through this time I don't know what I would have done.......this is a very cruel world and people need to have a little more compassion for one another, keep your rude comments to your self

Jun 05, 2015
Do it NEW
by: Anonymous

Holy crap dude chill. He's probably got a disability that makes it to where he can't stand long enough to get a job, but driving is fine. Trucking might be one of those few jobs he's able to do. He might be collecting disability now, but once he starts working again that goes away. He isn't sitting on his ass freeloading if he's looking for a job.

Aug 31, 2014
Good luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes you can but don't ssystem anything about your issue of life

Aug 31, 2014
Good luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes you can but don't ssystem anything about your issue of life

Jul 23, 2014
disabled NEW
by: Anonymous

if you are on disability it means you are not physicaly or mentaly able to work.thats why you sit at home and get a check from the goverment every month.if you are wanting to drive a truck you know you are not truely disabled and need to get off your dead freeloading ass and off disability and let someone who is really disabled draw that disability money. thats what is wrong with the system to many slacking fakers like you drawing it and then still wanting a job. dead beat ,slacking , faker.

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