im on disabitity (cronic low-back pain) & i have no job history from 06 to 2011

ive always worked all my life, but im at a stand still because of low-back pain.once i see if an (chiropractor) can get me all well back together,then at that time will it be possible for me to get into trucking.

The reason for no work is because of waiting on disability, and was adviced not to work (lawyers)..

Comments for im on disabitity (cronic low-back pain) & i have no job history from 06 to 2011

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Mar 01, 2011
Going Back To School to Get Your CDL
by: Vanessa

Dear Lonnie,
If you have completely healed you should be able to pass a CDL Physical, if you can than you should be able to go back to school and get your cdl, my man John was declared permanently legally disabled with lower and upper back injury in 1999, and today he is a CDL Truck driver.

I truly wish you good luck in whatever endeavor you choose to partake in, it's in Gods and your hands now.

I believe in and fully respect anyone who truly follows their desires and dreams, may your achievements be many..Vanessa

Mar 01, 2011
Sorry Lonnie
by: Anonymous

Sorry Lonnie it looks like I am intruding on your page. I need to start my own topic. Chuck

Mar 01, 2011
Vanessa Mason I liked your comment
by: Anonymous

Hello Vanessa Mason

Thanks for the comment. I agree with you about a possible law suit against Binder & Binder. I had thought about that myself. As far as your comment about workman's comp having nothing to do with SSD well that is incorrect. SSD does a calculation with the workman's comp and depending on the results a person will get a reduced payment or nothing at all until the WC expires.

In my case my WC pay out wiped out my SSD. Binder & Binder should not have even tried with my case and SSD. I was told by a Binder & Binder Rep that they count on mistakes being made at the local Office level.

This makes sense to the time it is caught by the headquarters they have their money. I just can't believe this happened. When I initially met with the local SSD rep and they enter my figures in the computer program for calculation the first result was a wipe-out leaving me with nothing.

The rep then said "let me try this". This second calculation gave me a approximate $1500.00 monthly benefit. I was surprised but leary. I call Binder & Binder to confirm and they assured me it was correct and I would receive payments for life or until my medical problem improved.

Mar 01, 2011
im on disability (cronic low-back pain)

when i put this post up it was for me being concerned about having an issue with my low back pain & would it have or will be still possible to got to school after my disability is over. and to say that meaning!!!! I've been out of work! and the qualifications well" 1 of them is having EMPLOYMENT... would i still be able to go to cdl training school?

Mar 01, 2011
Go back to see the judge who awarded disability
by: Vanessa Mason

Go back to the judge who awarded you the disability, they don't like hearing that their orders were refused, puts ssd in to big trouble when they learn that they are in CONTEMPT OF COURT ORDERS. SSI,SSDI is funds you pay for, taxes taken from your check, MONEY OWED TO YOU, when in medical time off, and legally ordered to be paid to you, the workman's comp payoff has NOTHING to do with your court ordered SSDI.

Talk to another lawyer (one who knows what they are talking about). Who knows you may even have a lawsuit against Binder & Binder, not seeing your case all the way through. Good Luck and take care

Mar 01, 2011
lower back, workmen's comp & SSD &.... Binder & Binder
by: Chuck

I am in a similar situation. I was approved and awarded money from SSD. I used Binder & Binder. This is crazy though. After receiving benefits for 6 months I get a notice from SSD that my payments will stop because a mistake was made at the local office and I was overpaid.

I have built my life around my SSD payments and now it is gone. My credit will now be ruined. My disability was chronic lower back pain after surgery. I received a workman's comp lump sum payment which disqualified me for SSD but they new about this from the start.

The local office IDIOTS approved me when they should not have. I wish I never went with Binder & Binder. They got their money too and now I am ruined!

Feb 27, 2011
back trouble
by: Anonymous

I wish you the best been out of a truck for two years with a shoulder injury hang in there you can back into trucking if you want to.

Feb 27, 2011
Don't give up trying
by: Vanessa Mason

You can go back to work, even truck driving, I know someone that has. You will lose your disability but you can go back to work. You will have to go to truck driving school again and get your license again, if you want it bad enough, you can do it.

And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, like I said "Don't give up", and I personally know someone who has achieved that very goal, and he still is driving today. Good Luck and stay safe.

Feb 27, 2011
forgetabout it
by: Anonymous sloka

look you should not have gotten an attorney yet .. ssd-i always turn you down the first time just to make sure you are really bad off and can't work .. now the attorney going to get 25 to 30 %.. of your the way, if you hang in there , but a back problems and so many people faking them. you do need a lawyer.. good luck i am on ssd-i or ssi-d. and it only took me less than 6 months .

if you are single and no children you can not get any help .. try your church .. best wishes.. sloka

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