I'm on Holiday!!!

by Monica J

I have been with my husband for over 13 years. He has always been an over the road driver and due to the economy, we had to move from up north to down south. We have been living here in GA for the past 2 years, correction I've been living in GA for the past 2 years with no friends or family (all up north).

My husband is on the road for 3 months at a time and is home for 4-5 days and back out again. My problem is that when he comes home, there are things that need to be done around the house that I can't get to!

I work full time take care of the house and dogs as well as trying to keep up with maintaining a house.

Why does he feel he is entitled to a holiday for the 5 days he is home??? Where is my holiday! When do I get to chill out and not have to worry about the bills, house, animals etc.

It is so frustrating and when I try to tell him how I feel, it goes in one ear and out the other... Any suggestions..

Lonely and Frustrated in GA

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May 25, 2010
by: tdriver629@embarqmail.com

you need to stay out for three months at a time that is to long tell him to apply with yrc glen moore be home every week and make good money. i do not see how you stand it your a good person

May 25, 2010
You deserve a holiday but...
by: Hervy

Hello Monica,

Sorry you are going through this and you are so far from being alone that I spoke specifically to this on my new CD which I think will serve every woman well to give to their significant other.

Usually the guy is either self centered or he simply does not get it. Get it meaning don't understand how serious you are about this being a problem. He is unable to see it from your perspective. It may help to here it from a neutral source. Listen.

here is the track that he would benefit from hearing.

If you want to hear the complete CD go here...
taking trucking to the next level

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