I'm really struggling with trucking life plus new baby

by Jenny

So my husband of 11 yrs became a otr driver in Dec. We have 2 kids 11&9. We made the decision together for our families future. As soon as he quit his job and signed up i became pregnant.

We have been trying to buy a house for a yr now and have to be out by Aug. We took a big $hit the fist month he started but I was working so got by. To save money for moving and baby he only came home every 4-6wks only staying 2-3days. That was very difficult on all of us but at least he was bringing home $700-1000a wk so worth
The struggles.

We got his credit scores up had a down-payment then I had to quit work then his checks became lower I had the baby early with complications.

Long story short we have now spent most of down-payment. His check is now only 400-500 a wk. I just feel it's not worth him being gone if he's not making money. We weren't prepared for how incositant his income would be.

The company is horrible so he constantly wastes time waiting to drop off a load. I can't go back to work in just want him to come home at least he made a constant $500. We did this to get ahead I don't wanna throw in the towel after all we have invested.

I know it will change after he has his yr. But we can't get by like this and to get approval of loan they only check his past 2months of pay so now we have to wait for 2 good checks to do approval (I'm borrowing down payment). He promised after baby he would come home every 2wks but for him to make enough money he can't.

I'm so overwhelmed doing this alone he is a very hands on dad I hate that he is missing so much. I'm depressed in this tiny Apt w no money to do anything all summer with kids.

I don't know if I can Do this I'm trying to be there for him but I ended up breaking down crying begging him to come home making it harder. Any advice on how to get through this yr, how to increase pay he is w Swift.

I feel so alone handling my premi is 8wks and seen his dad 2xs I was in the nicu alone, bUT we both are doing what we must and it has brought our relationship closer.

I'm just do afraid financially. Any new moms advice to Handle this week do talk a couple xs a day.

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Jun 24, 2017
South Carolina
by: Anonymous

Where are you in South Carolina? Plenty of jobs in Savannah,GA making a thousand a week and usually that's "take home" pay.
He's with the wrong company.

Jun 24, 2017
You Can Do It
by: Hervy

I can feel your strength and determination to make it work. I can also feel the strength in your relationship.

Jenny, I hate you are going through this but I believe you will push through and be stronger when it's over.

As far as you thinking about the Summer with no money to do things, keep focusing on what the sacrifice if about and save all that you can. Avoid borrowing the down payment if you can.

As far as his check decreasing, that is strange. See if he can identify why. Plus tell him to have a sit down with his chain of command letting them know his situation and and let them know he wants to be advised of opportunities to make more money.

Swift has a lot of options. If he will make the same, he probably can be home more often and make that. They have dedicated, flatbed, and regional work.

If he needs to switch after 6 months to a company that will pay the cost of breaking his contract for a situation like this I could see it making sense.

Meanwhile, he needs to make sure he keeps his record clean and be on time though because you guys can't afford for him to make a mistep. He needs to be qualified for the best trucking job available as soon as available.

He is at the 6 month mark. There are companies that will take him now. You just have to do the numbers to make sure it makes sense to switch if he is under contract with Swift. However, I would first make sure he tries to give Swift a chance to get his income up.

Take a look at the other pages on this site starting with this one.
Improving relationships over the road

Yall have started off right communicating and making a decision together, just keep working together on a plan and keep pushing Jenny.

You can do it because you still seem like you are open minded and team oriented enough to put in 50/50 and ride for this relationship and family.

Have no regrets, just keep figuring out the next best step. Take a look at the opportunities that are not open to him at the company his is with and new companies.

Also look around your area for small trucking companies. When they see he has good record and high motivation for being a good driver and staying put (family), they are more likely to give him a chance to drive even with only 6 months.

Best of luck and keep us up to date with how this is going.

Also, since you can't go back to work, consider starting a blog about being a trucker wife with new baby or caring for a premi, or based on some other skill/experience that you are familiar with.

That will document your journey, share your lessons and eventually help you earn money. Other ladies will learn from you and you will eventually have a service, product, that you can charge for even if it is nothing more than coaching through the process.

Let your experience/struggle be a source of inspiration and future income. I will promote you and other trucker wives efforts. (I will be making a post about that soon...)

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