I'm Retired!!

by J.

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I use that term because,for 98% of you, it applies. I spent 12 years on the road, and, sure, now and then someone was havin' a bad day--I know I did!! Even so, I met up with some of the nicest, most generous, most thoughtful folks I've ever known.

Received all manner of help and advice, had a driver pull over & help me chain up on top of Donner. Had an anonymous trucker work with me out in the rain tarping, and seen I don't know how many of them changing a tire on a four-wheeler.

You people pass the hat to help some down on his luck driver get home--I've seen 25 trucks lined up at a hospital giving blood for a driver's wife, and I've yet to see a trucker being deliberately aggressive at the wheel.

I've seen my share of drivers miss something like an oncoming car at an intersection, or miss a stop sign, but I don't think I ever saw a trucker brazenly blow a traffic lite or sign. I'll bet I've done it, too. You know, as well as I do that often a four-wheeler just doesn't understand how close he's standin' to death, and you know you often can't fix DUMB, ya just gotta live with them.

Most of you do it with grace and humor. I, for THANK YOU J.

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