I'm THAT Truckers Wife!

Things to do to keep your trucker happy
When your trucker shuts down close by.

Go to him, dress sexy, bring a home cook meal, restock his favorite munchies, hide something in his sleeper and have him find it when he leaves( letter, pic, be creative) give plenty of 1 on 1 time nuff said!

When your trucker ask you to do something it's because he can't so just do it. Compromise is a key element to getting along ( ask yourself would it really kill you to do it his way) if so you are not down for the cause.

I love my trucker irrevocably and at the end of the day I know he trucks for our family so I do whatever I can whenever I can however I can to make his job a little less painful!

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Apr 28, 2012
Keep it simple NEW
by: Anonymous

TRKRSYF You are Awesome! I believe the same thing.. Keep it simple and exciting!! Amen.. 28 yrs here and still going strong.. I guess you can call it LOVE!!!

Mar 20, 2012
Not a wife yet... But Soon to be! NEW
by: Kate

Your post is so uplifting- I try to keep up with posts on this website regularly and it's disconcerting to know that so many women struggle to have relationships with their trucker hubbies or boyfriends.
I try to dress up for mine when he comes home- though we usually end up doing things that require jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers (hiking in the park or sitting on the couch.
Our favorite new "thing" is to plan ahead for what he'll get for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when he comes home! This April he'll be moving in with my family and me (rough things going on at home), so I get to plan every meal- he just enjoys listening to me talk about what he has to look foward to. Helps him keep his mind off the 'stuff' he has to eat OTR, and off the stress of the day...

Thanks again for your wonderful post!

Mar 20, 2012
mistaken identity NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't dress too sexy. Mistaken for a lot lizard many times just trying that. Keep the sexy under the clothes for less herassment.

Mar 20, 2012
To a committed wife NEW
by: Hervy


Thanks for sharing. I think most men would absolutely treat you like a Queen. I believe you gave some important advice.

Ladies if you got a good man who appreciates your show of interest and affection, what she said will cause him to have too much room in his mind filled with thoughts of you to let other women phase him.

Not only that but I will bet that she can tell you that she is shown a lot of love in return.

Keep spreading the good news,

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