In between a rock and a hard place about riding over the road with husband

My husband and I owned our own business for ten years. The recession took care of that so he decided that he was going to drive.

He started out as a side dump driver which was great. He was home and making OK money. In the mean time I became a temp. I have been at the same job for a year and a half.

Now that our youngest is graduating he would like me to go out on the road with him full time. This scares me. I have gone on a couple of trips and the driving doesn't bother me. It's the not knowing of when we may get home that does.

Granted there will be no weddings soon but they will happen and I have not missed a single milestone in my girls lives. I don't want to start now.

I am also scared of resenting him if this doesn't work or when problems arise as we all know they will.

I don't know what to do. Any advise?

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Feb 07, 2014
Riding Over The Road With Husband
by: Hervy

I don't know of an event that you wouldn't have advance notice of at this point.

I think you are a little too worried.

Any event scheduled far in advance can be made at least by you, because all he has to do is drop you off early. Might be a week early to make sure you make the event but you will make the event.

Like the other poster said though, you need to hold the conversation with him, and he can explain it to you and assure you that there is nothing to worry about.

By the way, a lot of women WANT to ride with husband and instead of getting to ride, he makes up excuses about why she can't go.

Feb 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

best bet talk to him.....

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