In CA my husband got a speeding ticket someone told him to claim "Coasting" but isnt that worse?

by C. Hale

My husband was in Kern County, CA got a speeding ticket for 10 miles over limit. Another driver told him to claim "Coasting" but isn't that worse since by law the truck should never be out of gear?

Comments for In CA my husband got a speeding ticket someone told him to claim "Coasting" but isnt that worse?

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Jun 16, 2011
by: Dale

Coasting is dangerouse, and the company "swift" i worked for had a no coasting policy. you have to be in gear all the time, and something like 1 or 2 warnings and your fired.
I think speeding and you just didn't realise you went over speed limit would look better than deliberate coasting.

Jun 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hire a lawyer get it reduced to a non moving violation it is worth the money to do it.

Jun 08, 2011
out of control
by: Rolly Polly

I believe you're right, it would be worse if your husband said he was "coasting" cause then cali dot would say that exact thing: he was out of gear which equals out of control of the vehicle.

If I may offer a suggestion: tell your old man to speak with a trucker attorney (I recommend Road Law, they're on the web & OOIDA supports them) if he hasn't already & fight it!

Cali is bankrupt & its high time that they stop using scale houses & picking on truckers as a source of revenue

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