In Cleaveland Va - trucking job needed will run anywhere

by Darrell Jack Kiser
(Cleaveland Va.)

I use to be the owner of an ambulance service, and was convicted of a white collar bus. related crime , And as a result I am now a felon. I don't Blame anyone else for my mistakes, But I have definitely learned from what I did wrong.

I need a second chance at having a life and doing it right . I'm a hard worker and can stay on the road as long as I'm needed traveling in all the 48 states .

Who ever hires me will get a very dependable employee, and a life time with the company . I have since paid for my crime and would never do anything wrong. I just need a second chance to do things right, And trucking has always been a life long dream. If I was to be needed in Alaska as well Id Love the chance!

I am Trust worthy, I am dependable & reliable. And I will take excellent care of the equipment intrusted to me, After all the equipment intrusted to me will be how I make my living as well as where I would be spending the biggest part of my life !
Cleveland Va and surrounding area trucking jobs

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Feb 19, 2018
Update on your situation in Va
by: Hervy

Darrell, I was just wondering if you ever found a truck driving job?

If not what did you end up doing?

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