In need of traing to get cdl

by keith martin

Hello my name is Keith and I am 34 years old. I am a convicted felon but today I am on the right road with God. I have a family and I just got my GED....hoping I could get a job in driving trucks but when I called a school they turned me down because of my background.

I also cant get a grant because my mother failed to tell me that I had to register for the army when i turned 18. I am trying to be a better man but i need help.

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Jun 23, 2011
whats your felony
by: Anonymous

Whats the felony for and the time you got off of probation? Most companies want you to be 7 years off of probation exactly before they consider you driving for them. Try Swift to get your foot in the door. Still call around to other companies cuz Swift is just for beginners getting the foot in the door. It's not the best company to work for I have heard.

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