I-Need-Advice: LadyWannaBe-a-driver

by Dana Brown
(PortNeches, Texas)

I'm at the point in my life where i want to make a better living. I want to be a trucker but there is something that is holding me back..Fear. Fear that i wont make it or pass the driving test. I have a class C license.

I also have a fear of heights which might affect me driving a truck. Still i want to try to learn this new skill I'm 33 going on 34 and i need the money badly so i can be independent.

I see other women have made it. i don't have any kids (plus) i am single. So it would be no problem for me to be on the road.

Do you or anyone think i should give trucking a try with me being afraid of heights? Now i also wonder is it possible for me to get easier jobs like driving smaller trucks and working with a good partner? Not just any kind of partner cause i don't sleep with folks i work with and wouldn't want to be hit on by a man.

I'm willing to work alone as well if that is the way to avoid some one trying to go with me or sleep with me. Thanks...

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Mar 13, 2015
by: AnonymousKrickit

My goodness girl, you want to drive alone where you can take care of yourself, drive a straight truck, it is so much better then semi, safer, less stress, not so big, also you have your home with you if you get one with a large bunk.

It is so much better for us unsecure drivers and we have a home away from home, trust me, better then semi, been there. done that

Aug 10, 2014
Drive if you want too...
by: Anonymous

If your heart is set on driving. Do it. Their are schools out there to help,with your training. The written tests are intimidating. But you have so many resources today with internet that make this easier... Google. class a CDL testing. You will find many sites that do pre testing so you can be sure your ready to take those tests.

CR England has a good school but do NOT. Lease a truck from them. Find a driver who has a few trucks leased to England and drive for him under their banner. You will get priority dispatching and you won't be stuck in a lease that isn't making you money. You can drive as their employee till you find that owner with trucks he needs driven. You won't get rich up front, the old pay your dues thing. But ask around every time you hit your terminal till you find the guy with the extra trucks. Then you will start making good money and you will enjoy driving. Don't lease from any company that hauls freight. If you want to lease a truck from freight liner that is fine. Put back your money for repairs as they will happen pay attention to the money side and you will clean up... If your not good with book keeping drive as an employee let them do that stuff. You'll still make good money.

God Bless and Good Luck

Apr 24, 2013
Can a person afraid of height be a truck driver
by: Hervy

Dana, I think you should try to become a trucker when you are ready.

Being afraid of heights doesn't specify a what height this problems begins. If you have to be 20 stories up, trucking won't bother you. (of course there are a view bridges that can be an issue still unless that doesn't bother you...)

Go to your nearest Tractor Trailer dealership and go sit in one. If you are real good with people, ask an owner operator there if he/she will take you for a ride.

If you don't want to do that, visit your nearest truck stop and ask a lady driver there if she will take you around the parking lot and tell her why.

Assuming that you are fine after getting in the truck and riding around and you don't think bridges would be an issue, I think you should consider pursuing your goals.

If riding in the truck is too much, work on getting rid of the fear of heights. Facing your fears is the way to overcome your fears. Go as slow or as fast as you need to but put yourself in situations that push you.

Elevators, hi rise buildings, etc. Take a good friend with you and ask him/her to coach you through it.

As far as fear of failing the test, ask yourself, "What's the worst that could happen if I failed?". Not much, you just take it again another day. Some people do fail it the first time.

Most of the people that have that fear of failing the test pass it. Although I understand the fear, my point is don't let the fear stop you. After all of that studying and training you will get it.

As far as worrying about someone sleeping with you. I am sure you have read some negative stories. I'll tell you like this, most of the women that I have talked to were never in a dangerous situation that they know of. I don't personally know one woman that got raped getting trained or harassed for sex so bad that it bothered them. I know a couple who said the trainer did inquire and that was it.

For the most part, the way you represent yourself upon first encounter will set the boundaries for even the biggest sleezebags. For the normal guys you won't even have to worry, they either won't think twice about trying anything or the first sign of rejection will keep them from trying to holla at you twice. If they know up front where you stand a decent guy is done with it already.

Plus at some companies you can request a woman, at others let them know where you stand and they will likely make sure they know who they are putting you with...they don't want drama.

There may be smaller trucks that you can drive. Check with your local Rent a Centers and Aaron Sells they have box trucks but I don't know the requirements they have for hiring.

Also, moving companies, might hire you to drive a van or box truck if you are also willing to pack and stack furniture.

Face your fears and follow your dreams. Don't let yourself look back saying I wish I would have....

Take care and keep us posted Dana!

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