Insurance company keeping me from driving because of tickets, Need advice.

by eric
(new york)

Ive been working for this computer for 2 1/2 years. I caught several tickets before I started working for this company. I have climbed the ladder from a van driver to obtaining my class A cdl.

My employer's insurance company made my company sign a letter stating that they do not want me driving any vehicle, is this legal?

Also I have taken several driver defensive classes, obtain my ARA professional driver certificate.

My employer even wrote the insurance company a letter stating how I play a key role as a driver. What I'm trying to say is what else can I do to get back on the rig please help

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May 08, 2015
Same Ticket vs Insurane Company Problem NEW
by: Alan H. TN

I'm stuck with the same problem... i have 4 minor speeding tickets in three years on my MVR. This is causing me to be barred from driving since most insurance policies will only allow 3 violations in 3 years. I have 0 points, 0 accidents, 0 DUIs, and 0 drug infractions. I have a solid 3 year driving experience history and I love OTR. It's very unfair that insurance companies can wield this much power over an individual's life, but I'm learning it's a true fact... there's nothing that can be done except wait for time to elapse when insurance company finally says ok you're covered!

May 08, 2015
Same Ticket vs Insurane Company Problem NEW
by: Alan H. TN

I'm stuck with the same problem... i have 4 minor speeding tickets in three years on my MVR. This is causing me to be barred from driving since most insurance policies will only allow 3 violations in 3 years. I have 0 points, 0 accidents, 0 DUIs, and 0 drug infractions. I have a solid 3 year driving experience history and I love OTR. It's very unfair that insurance companies can wield this much power over an individual's life, but I'm learning it's a true fact... there's nothing that can be done except wait for time to elapse when insurance company finally says ok you're covered!

May 08, 2015
Same Ticket vs Insurane Company Problem NEW
by: Alan H. TN

I'm stuck with the same problem... i have 4 minor speeding tickets in three years on my MVR. This is causing me to be barred from driving since most insurance policies will only allow 3 violations in 3 years. I have 0 points, 0 accidents, 0 DUIs, and 0 drug infractions. I have a solid 3 year driving experience history and I love OTR. It's very unfair that insurance companies can wield this much power over an individual's life, but I'm learning it's a true fact... there's nothing that can be done except wait for time to elapse when insurance company finally says ok you're covered!

Feb 11, 2014
What to do NEW
by: Hervy

I don't see how it would not be legal. No telling these days though.

It definitely sounds frustrating though. Seems you have performed well at work in order to keep moving up the ladder. Congratulations.

The best way to find out if there is anything that you can do is ask your employer and ask the insurance company if there are any steps that can be taken which would allow you to drive.

It may just be to wait for a certain amount of time to pass with no new tickets.

Short of the company getting insurance with another company or paying premium cost for allowing you to drive, there may not be many other options.

Only one way to find out for sure though

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