Interested in driving a truck, but not comfortable with driving on ice or snow...

by Ninjou

So, I'm interested in driving a truck, preferably OTR, but I have no ice/snow experience. I wanted to know if it is possible to drive a truck and avoid the northern states during the winter when there is a higher likelihood of encountering ice and snow.

Is that something most or all companies would try to accommodate? Or is it something that would have to be a key factor in finding a company to work with?

I mean, I do realize that saying that there will be absolutely NO ice or snow on any given winter run is next to impossible, but it would be nice to know that I can make the likelihood of running into it a slim one.

Thank you.

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Dec 18, 2022
Not all companies Run the NorthEast
by: The Crazy Trucker

You can find out where trucking companies run at before accepting the trucking job.

Many don't run the North East.

Lots of trucking companies have trucking jobs that only run Southeast or Southern states.

Go for one of those!

Oct 26, 2015
by: Anonymous

you would be surprised how well trucks do in those environments. get proper training and your concerns will be unfounded.
where I work if I don't feel comfortable I. those situations I can stop. better safe then trying to press on in a dangerous situation.

with that said that same company will not allow me to refuse any load assigned to me, no matter what.

Oct 25, 2015
Ask the company
by: Hervy

Great question Ninjou. Some smarter companies will keep you out of snow and ice for the most part withing their power for new drivers with no experience fresh out of trucking school.

Getting a trucking job during the winter might be the best time though because a trainer could be with you on snow and ice and explain and demonstrate how to best handle it.

So I would ask the trucking companies that I am interested in what is their strategy for new drivers with regards to driving on snow and ice.

Ask is you could be taken to drive in snow and ice with your trainer so that you can get experience before going out on the truck solo.

I don't know if trucking companies will actually plan to do that but a smart dispatcher might have the freedom of choice to work that out whether the trucking company has that as part of the written policy or not.

Winter Driving Safety Tips

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