investigate to see if cheating
I want to know if there's a way to hack oho n e and tablet to see what emails...websites..text messages to see if husband is indeed otr trucker husband and I've been married 15 yrs. I've been alone about 90% of the time..
I've managed to find out he's joined dating sites....discreet cheating websites....revealing photos sent....a condom in his truck...but he always had an excuse and denial...and I can't prove that phones are so smart and confidential...I can't check it out anymore...I saw a site called spok but user references say they're worthless....I wanna know the truth...
I Wana know if I'm just free lodging and laundry...I wanna know if no sex for 15 years...before I'm too old to find someone so I'm not alone....I just need to know