Is a CMV Driver Responsible for Mud coming off his truck after leaving a muddy customers lot

by Greg Beshero
(Hanoverton, OH USA)

Mud was caked on the mudflaps of a trailer that was picked up at a muddy railyard. Is the driver and the company responsible for the mud coming off the truck when he is driving on a highway after leaving a muddy yard?

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Nov 23, 2019
It is the drivers responsibility
by: Hervy

Yes it's the driver's responsibility. I don't see how it could be argued any other way.

The driver is supposed to pre-trip the trailer before pulling it, and if there is anything that makes it unsafe it should be addressed.

If mud is caked up like that on a mudflap it should be noticed when checking the tires.

Sounds like just kicking it or hitting it with a hammer, would break it free.

The carrier can't do that and it should need to go to a truck wash just for mud.

If the yard people were made aware of it, they would probably take care of it or provide tools for the driver to use.

If the yard people were not made aware of it, seems that would work in their favor to relieve them of any responsibility argument. (Which I don't even think they would need)

So, best thing is to simply break the mud free so I doesn't fall on the highway and possibly cause an incident.

That's my response based on what I can grasp from your question. Don't know how serious this mud situation is. Wish you had a pic to post.


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