Is a over the road truck driving company suppose to deduct the total fuel cost for that week out of my check

I drive for a company over the road. They are deducting from my paycheck for the fuel during the week. Am I suppose to be paying for my fuel or is that what the company does since i don't own the truck I drive one of the company trucks

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Aug 23, 2015
Help with crappy company who did my husband wrong NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband just worked for a company these past 3 & 1/2 weeks and he made 850 total. They deducted all fuel he used and he drove a total of 6400 miles (not including dead-head miles). We are planning on going to have a talk with them this Fri when he's supposed to pick up his last "check". I am extremely upset (I'm holding in the anger and curse words) and would love to get some opiniins and advice from some of yall. Is there anything we can do to get his rightful pay from them? I don t know if this is illegal or not but it sure seems like it would be. We are in danger of losing our house and everything because of this company. He also broke down for 3 days in their truck and they charged him for half of the repairs and he didn't get paid a dime while he was there broke down on the side of the road! He never signed any papers on anything and doesn't own his own truck. Any ideas or info will be greatly appreciated!

Jul 29, 2015
That should not be happening. NEW
by: Eric Blaise

Your job is to run deliveries for the trucking company, if they are making you pay for the fuel you use while making the delivery, then there is something ethically wrong with the company. You shouldn't be paying for the fuel As you are not the one who sets the routes. It is the trucking companies vehicle, and the companies contracts, you are simply the one rendering the service. If they take the fuel out, you would not be making much in terms of paychecks per day.

Eric |

Jul 29, 2015
Company driver? NEW
by: Anonymous

Did you sign a lease for the truck?
Are you sure you did not sign a lease for that truck?
going to be honest with you if you are buying fuel as a company driver you would make not only zero for a paycheck but you would owe them money at the end of the week.
Generally cost about 240 ish bucks a day just for fuel and last i checked most company drivers do not make that much in a day.

I would check with your company and MAKE SURE YOU DID NOT SIGN ON TO A LEASE PURCHASE.

Is this for CR ENGLAND? Or are they charging you for taking longer routes to your destination IE going way over your paid for mileage?

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